I've been thinking about this post for awhile and haven't taken time to really write it down but lest anyone think things are perfect at our house, in our family of five now, let me start by saying they are not...and they won't really ever be. You see we are now five separate individuals learning to love and live together as a family for only eight and a half months; and 8 years down the line we won't be perfect then either...because life isn't perfect. It's not supposed to be. These are human ideas that we cannot live up to. Jesus was the only One who was and is perfect.
I hesitate to label Noah as a "broken child" but those of you that are not familiar with older child adoption (meaning 3 years or older) that is probably the best way to think of our situation. You take a child who never had a real family, lived in an institution for more than 3 years and basically had to be a little adult for survival and put him in a mostly normal typical home setting and there is a period of adjustment. I feel like we are out of that. We have moved mostly through the testing stages and we are now attached and bonded-but he is still deep, down the same broken child. He is happy, safe and loved but his issues are far from perfect.
Noah is attention-seeking. Every single day, no matter how much attention he gets. Our pediatrician says most 3 and 4 year old biological children she treats are too. He does not want to cuddle. He loves us but he does not want to love on us. He never had that before. Sidenoted-he probably doesn't want you to hold him or his hand unless he wants your attention. Let me be clear though he is a wonderful child. I've never expected him to be perfect but I get the feeling sometimes people (family, friends, neighbors) expect him to be just like our biological children. He is not and will never be just like them. He is Noah and we love him just the way he is. Lately we are dealing with some food issues. He has started to lie and hide food (saying he ate it but in actuality did not). And he still needs to gain weight. This is not the best combination. He is on special vitamins and we are encouraging the eating but he just prefers rice, noodles and soup. He will eat 2 bites of other things to make Mommy happy. It's a work in progress.
Our biological children, Ella and Beckett have been amazing throughout our journey to meet Noah and the past months of getting to know him. They aren't broken children and us adopting Noah did not break or take away from them-it added to their lives. They love Noah and the bond the 3 of them share is one I have not witnessed before. Of course there are arguments and an occasional fight (ok many each day between the boys), that's because no children are perfect. They are learning and growing and I couldn't be more proud of how they accepted Noah and embraced his imperfections.
I'm not perfect either. I have been pretty calm lately. I think it's because I KNOW God is working through me and using me. I have been stretched and grown so much through the adoption. I know I am helping fix this broken child. It's an awesome, imperfect thing to be a part of!