Monday, March 30, 2015


Noah is suffering from pinkeye (also called conjunctivitis). His right eye is pink and aggravated.  Today we visited the pediatrician and started a series of eye drops.  We are hoping to see results immediately and get him some relief.  The pinkeye has made him irritable and worsened the nystagmus (bouncing eyes).  I have also noticed that he is more "needy" and seeking attention from anyone and everyone.  yesterday was quite rough with a visit from a Comcast installer at our house.  Please pray with us that the antibiotic drops work quickly, Noah feels relief and that we (his family) can meet his needs instead of him looking for attention from other adults.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Dance Party

Really white boys love to dance! ;)  (that was a bad joke)  His older sister is an excellent partner.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Here Lately

I've fallen down on the job of posting new pictures again-here's a recap of the past few weeks: family time, fine motor, amazing outdoor play and a trip to the dentist