Friday, July 5, 2013

ASC Appointment Notice

We got our biometrics appointment notice in the mail today!  This is the invitation to be fingerprinted by the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS).  We need these to obtain I-800 A approval and then send with our dossier documents to China.

All great news...except you have no say in the appointment and ours was made for 3 weeks from now when we have planned to be out of the country on a family trip (thank you mom and dad-it's a free vacation don't want anyone to get the wrong idea...we are saving for Noah's adoption costs every chance we get).  Luke and I plan to walk-in and wait this week at the USCIS Atlanta office and attempt to be fingerprinted early (I have read online that you can do this).

Please pray we are successful and that we are granted I-800 A approval.  We're taking baby steps for Noah!

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