Sunday, August 18, 2013

I-800A Approval!

We were SO excited to receive an email on Saturday afternoon from USCIS notifying us that our I-800 A was approved (technically it's called an I-797 C).  We hope to receive the paper copy this week and immediately have it notarized, state certified and overnighted to the Chinese Consulate for authentication.  We're also planning to pay to expedite this part (literally less than $50) because this was the LAST piece of paper we needed to complete the dossier.

In a few shorts weeks we will be what's called DTC (dossier to China).  From there we'll be waiting on our LID (log in date) and start the official countdown to travel. It's still more hurry up and wait but the majority of the paper chase will be over.  Of course there is no definite timeline but if everything goes smoothly (and we hope and pray that it will) we could be bringing Noah home with us at the very end of the year.