Sunday, December 22, 2013

Wish Granted!

Twenty-one days ago the church we attend, Browns Bridge Community Church, started a Christmas wish contest on Twitter.  They asked the congregation to "tweet" their wishes, with the offer to grant a few of those they received in time for Christmas.  I tweeted: My wish is for a one-way ticket (airfare) for our 3 yr old son we are adopting from China.

This morning we were overjoyed to have my wish granted!  They will be paying for his flight home.  We are so shocked and grateful!  Thank you-Browns Bridge Community Church, Grant Urwish, our family that traveled to attend the service and all of our friends that retweeted and came to show their support.


  1. That is one great gift and and not cheap either. I was shocked at how exspensive they are! One step closer!

  2. Oh, wow, what a blessing!!!!!!!
